Monday, 22 November 2010


There are certain stereotypes of different types of ethnicity, which are not necessarily true. For example, these might be that:
  • Mexicans eat nachos a lot, wear bigs hats and ponchos;
  • Irish people are often red-headed and are associated with leprechauns;
  • French people wear stripey tops and berets and only eat frogs;
  • English people would be seen as boring, rude, like tea and have dry humour. English people also tend to be very self deprecating and are seen to be either 'posh' or a 'chav';
  • Indian people eat curry and have an arranged marriage;
  • Catholic people are closed minded and snobby.
Ethnicity is represented in Prison Break with the character Norman "Lechero" St. John who is a Panamanian. The character of Lechero is the drug 'King' and leader of the prison, Sona, which is a maximum security prison, very poorly built. Violent riots in Sona caused the guards to pull out of the prison and leave them to their own ways, whilst keeping guard outside. This builds the representation of Panamanians being ruthless and violent, as their vicious ways led the guards to do something that they never usually would do and Lechero was in charge of this all.

1 comment:

  1. This picture illustrates well the idea of violence being attached to non-white groups in such a prison.Good.
